*England in den Sechziger Jahren: Howard Marks (Rhys Ifans) verlässt sein mittelloses Elternhaus, um dank eines Stipendiums an der Universität in Oxford Philosophie und Physik zu studieren. Dort trifft er nicht nur die liebreizende Ilze (Elsa Pataky), in die er sich verliebt, sondern kommt auch zum ersten Mal mit Drogen in Berührung. Nach seinem Universitätsabschluss schlägt Howard zunächst einen konservativen Lebensweg ein und arbeitet zusammen mit Ilze als Lehrer, doch schon bald sehnt er sich nach einem aufregenderen und abwechslungsreicheren Lebensstil.
Als ihn sein Bekannter Graham Pliston (Jack Huston) bittet, eine kleine Lieferung Haschisch aus Deutschland nach Großbritannien zu schmuggeln, willigt Howard kurzerhand ein. Als er Judy (Chloe Sevigny), die schon bald seine Frau werden wird, kennenlernt, beginnt er, sich gänzlich dem Drogenschmuggel zu widmen und taucht immer weiter in die Welt der Drogen ab.
In kürzester Zeit mausert sich der junge Mann aus kleinen Verhältnissen zu einem Haschisch-Tycoon und baut in Großbritannien ein Produktions- und Distributionsnetzwerk für Haschisch auf. Doch trotz seiner kriminellen Machenschaften gelingt ihm immer der Spagat zwischen seinen Rollen als Drogenbaron, der nur noch unter dem Psyeudonym Mr. Nice arbeitet, und der des liebenden Familienvaters.
Der Film basiert auf der gleichnamigen Autobiografie des bekannten britischen Drogenschmugglers Howard Marks.
*1966: England ist so wild wie nie zuvor, doch die staatlichen Radiostationen bleiben hart. Während die Hysterie der jungen Menschen ständig steigt, jagen die Sender täglich nur maximal zwei Stunden Rock und Pop über den Äther. Doch selbst das ist dem zuständigen stockkonservativen Minister Dormandy (Kenneth Branagh) ein Dorn im Auge. Noch mehr ärgert ihn jedoch der kultige Piratensender „Radio Rock“, der sein Programm von einem Boot in der Nordsee aus sendet – völlig legal übrigens. Mit allem Mitteln will Dormandy diese Gesetzeslücke schließen. „Radio Rock“-Boss Quentin (Bill Nighy) hat eine illustre Truppe von durchgedrehten Top-DJs um sich versammelt...
*Paul Thomas Saunders is a twenty year old singer songwriter from Leeds who creates psychedelic folk soundscapes. 'Appointment In Samarra' comes from his brand new 'Lilac & Wisteria ep' which is out on july 4th, 2011 through the RT60 label.
*Another track from 'We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves', the forthcoming third album by electronic-psych-pop artist John Maus. Footage from this unofficial clip come from 'The Element of Crime by Lars von Trier (1984)
*Official Video for 'Amazing & Wonderful' from california tranced post-reggae hyno-pop duo Peaking Lights debut album '936' released in february this year
*IS Tropical is a pop-influenced lo-fi dance trio from London. Their debut album 'Native' was released on june 13th, 2011 on the Kitsune Label. This track is the latest single from the album.
*The Flower contrasts a utopian society that freely farms and consumes a pleasure giving flower with a society where the same flower is illegal and its consumption is prohibited. The animation is a meditation on the social and economic costs of marijuana prohibition.
*This is a short animated scene about consumer capitalism from the movie 'The Age of stupid', a British drama-documentary-animation film by Franny Armstrong from 2009. The film stars the late Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, watching archive footage from the mid-to-late 2000s and asking 'Why didn't we stop climate change when we had the chance'?
*John Maus is a American composer and political philosophy and theory instructor at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa (Honolulu) His music is a mixture of Indie/lo-fi and electronic-psych-pop. *This is the official Video for the single 'believer' taken from his forthcoming third album 'We Must Become The Pitiless Censors Of Ourselves' which is out via Upset The Rhythm on june 27th, 2011. *check also 'Quantum Leap', another track from the album... http://timmi-x.blogspot.com/2011/03/new-singlessongs-lykke-li-raveonettes.html
*Metronomy is a british electropop band from London formed in 1999. *This is the Offical video and 2nd single from Metronomy's latest album 'The English Riviera' which was released in april this year.
*The Morning Light Project is an Italian band from Messina, formed in 2008.Their sound is a mix of alternative, ambient and electronic music. *'Slicer' is the first single from their debut album 'Interface' released on may 25th, 2011.
*'I Remember' by Canadian progressive, electro, and house producer Deadmau5 and American DJ Kaskade is taken from the album 'Random Album Title' which was released in 2008 on the Ministry of Sound label. It features vocals from Haley Gibb.
*Nico (Christa Päffgen,*16 October 1938 †18 July 1988) was a German singer, composer, fashion model, actress, and Warhol Superstar. She is known for both, her vocal collaboration on The Velvet Underground's debut album - The Velvet Underground & Nico, and her work as a solo artist from the late 60s through the early 80s.
*All three tracks are taken from her solo debut album 'chelsea girl' released in october 1967.
*The Pierces are Catherine Pierce and Allison Pierce - sisters, singers, and songwriters. Raised in Alabama by free spirited, hippie parents in a large family of five children, they created a special bond through their music.
*'Glorious' the new single released on may 23th was followed by ''You & I', the fourth album on may 30th - produced by Coldplay’s Guy Berryman.
*This track is taken from 'The Age of Adz', the latest album by Brooklyn-based singer songwriter Sufjan Stevens released in october last year. *The album's title is a reference to the apocalyptic art of schizophrenic artist Royal Robertson (1936-1997) whose work depicted his vivid dreams and visions of space aliens, futuristic automobiles, eccentric monsters and signs of the Last Judgment.
*Mat Flint, bass guitarist for Death In Vegas and formerly singer/guitarist for the early 90's band Revolver (Heaven sent an angel) will releases the forthcoming 2nd album 'Disorientation' with his new band Deep Cut on 5th September 2011 via Club AC30.
*After releasing several fairly high profile remixes for Little Boots, Ellie Goulding, Empire of the sun or Robyn, British dubstep producer Jakwob will release his debut single 'Right Beside You' in the U.K. on June 20th, 2011. What a fucking great tune is this track 2 dj-fresh-future-jungle-remix??? :-))
*Other Lives is an American indie rock band from Stillwater, Oklahoma. 'For 12' is taken from their second album 'Tamer Animals' released on may 23rd, 2011.
*Manchester based band Wu Lyf (World Unite! Lucifer Youth Foundation!) will release their debut album on june 13th, 2011. 'Dirt,' drops their album title 'Go Tell Fire To The Mountain' in its lyrics.