Chicago-based shoegaze band Sister Crystals with the first single 'For So Long' from their forthcoming debut album out in late spring.
London 4-piece Indierock band Binary with G.O.D., a track from their debut EP 'Amber'
New Zealand's Princess Chelsea is back with a new single, 'We’re So Lost' is taken from her forthcoming second album 'The Great Cybernetic Depression', released later this year
Electronic pop duo SOULDOUT from Belgium with the video/single to their song 'Off Glory', taken from the third album 'More', released in february.
Irish psychedelic shoegaze/goth band Low Sea with their latest video 'Acid Ocean', the 2nd single from the new album 'Remote Viewing'*
Binary [England/London] - G.O.D. (2013)
Amber EP
Princess Chelsea [New Zealand/Auckland] - We´re lost (2013)
The Great Cybernetic Depression
SOLDOUT [Belgium/Brussels] - Off Glory (2012/2013)
Low Sea [Irland/Cork] - Acid Ocean (2013)
Remote Viewing
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